Catfish movie chicago

See more at IMDbPro. Trailer Photos Top cast Edit. Nev Schulman Self as Self. Ariel Schulman Self as Self. Henry Joost Self as Self. Angela Wesselman-Pierce Self as Self. Melody C. Roscher Self as Self. Blake Alexandros Nando as Nando. Henry Joost Ariel Schulman. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. In late , filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost sensed a story unfolding as they began to film the life of Ariel's brother, Nev.

They had no idea that their project would lead to the most exhilarating and unsettling months of their lives. A reality thriller that is a shocking product of our times, Catfish is a riveting story of love, deception and grace within a labyrinth of online intrigue.

On the way back East, they decide to make a detour to Ishpeming. Were they born yesterday? Do they think you drop in unannounced on strangers? Using ever-helpful GPS navigation, they pay a midnight visit to Megan's horse farm, and find In Ishpeming, they do indeed find the Pierce home and family, and I suppose are welcomed with as much grace as possible under the circumstances.

The key to the human qualities in the film can be found in Angela, the mother, and in a couple of thoughtful statements by Vince, the father. You'll see what I mean.

Living in Ishpeming may not be the ideal choice for people with an artistic temperament. I haven't been there and can't say. But this family has adapted to realities and found ways of expression, and who are we to say making dance videos in New York is preferable?

Angela Pierce comes across as an essentially good person, as complex as the heroine of a novel. At the end of the day, I believe she humbles Nev and his friends. I wonder if they agree. They all seem to be nice people. If it was a performance, it was a masterful one fraught with ambiguity and layers that are pretty unusual even for a show like Catfish , which has been accused of being completely staged, even scripted, by some.

This video was made over a year ago, and as you can see, Justin doesn't seem to act very different than he did on the show. Hollywoodite published the video, along with a new biographical detail: His full name is Justin Voel-Pel, son of the late Ted H.

In the video, Justin claims to be suicidal, schizophrenic, formerly anorexic and bulimic, shows aggressive behavior, and says he's working on a book about his life and experiences. So this Justin in the year-old video seems to match with the Catfish Justin we saw this week, and if we extend the benefit of the doubt that both depictions are not performances but reality, we could close the case right there like Hollywoodite did. There are a ton of details being shared and a ton of conversations going on about this over at Twitter right now.

Out of all the noise, we managed to find a guy who says that he knows Justin Voel-Pel and has sort of been answering questions about him. His name is Ross Reeder, and he claims to be a childhood friend of the Catfish star. He corroborates Justin's claims of childhood abuse, and says that if we knew what had happened to Justin, we'd understand why he acts the way he does. He emphasizes that his friend is "not a psycho" and considers it a "miracle" that both of them are "fully functioning adults" Reeder says he's a victim of child abuse, as well.

Ross also makes a very interesting claim We should note that we reached out to Mr. I had no idea that it was actually real and I'm still not sure if it even is or not, it all seems too convenient.

There is so much that could be said about this film and I'm sure everyone will have a different opinion. It just goes to show that there is some pretty crazy people out there and it's difficult to trust those you meet online. However I don't feel like it answers many of the questions that were brought up about why this woman felt compelled to do what she did and there were many things missed out.

Why didn't they show Angela's expression when she first opened the door? That was pretty much the money shot but they missed out. I guess all I can say is watch it and form your own opinion, I don't even know what mine is yet. Sophie B Super Reviewer. Feb 25, This was a much different movie than I expected it to be.

I thought it would be interesting but shallow, but it's essentially two movies in one. For the first two-thirds of the movie, it is very weird and creepy. Many of the scenes are very suspenseful, even though I knew nothing too scary could happen because it's a documentary, not a horror movie, and reality is rarely as extraordinary as it is in movies.

In the last third of the movie, I won't give away much so as not to ruin the movie, but it is surprisingly sincere and emotional. The big reveal is a little underwhelming if you are expecting a horror movie type ending, and this is about as far from that as you could get. The movie's message, that not everyone is who they appear online, is a very relevant one in today's society. This movie really surprised me by how suspenseful, yet emotional it actually is, and it's a strange experience watching it, but I would gladly recommend it as an interesting and engaging movie.

Joey S Super Reviewer. Feb 09, Not a particularly great movie in any way, but being one who's been scammed on dating websites and that has had some on Facebook try to do the same although it's always been by foreigners, no one domestically , I can relate to an extent to this film.

I never actually traveled far to visit; watching the guy in this movie do that and try to dig up the bare bones truth is what makes this interesting starting at about halfway through the film.

Starts off very slowly. Jason O Super Reviewer. See all Audience reviews. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Best Horror Movies. Worst Superhero Movies. Best Netflix Series and Shows. Go back. More trailers.

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