Catalyst handling houston tx

Since catalyst change-outs are considered a critical path and downtime is lost revenue, The IPS Group provides advanced planning, specialized equipment, and personnel specifically trained for confined space entry and the handling of hazardous materials. We allow our customers to get back to production as quickly as possible with predictable and reliable results. Each service is customized to solve a specific client problem. We plan and estimate the project, gaining a detailed understanding of the work scope and critical path.

As part of quality planning, specific inspection and test plans are established, and detailed hazard analysis assessments are completed to maximize safety. Due to the efficient approach of our integrated, multi-skilled teams, downtime is minimized; achieving significant savings for clients.

After each project is completed, we conduct a thorough debriefing to identify further improvements, cost savings, and best practices. There are a few reasons for catalyst sampling and analysis:. Skip to content. The ITCS name stands for quality and technical expertise. I would make routine checkups on all the equipment, such as greasing the wheels or bearings on an overhead crane and several other tasks as scheduled.

I also worked on a hydraulic pumps, on conveyers, railcars and various other equipment that needed to be worked on. Great staff great people great work ethic Supreme and Superior safety standards and operations excellent safety personnel great superintendents great teammate to understand personal sacrifice and always look to help each other to improve their status throughout the company.

Pros Great teammates. Cons None that I can think of. Working for catalyst handling resources, LLC. I have learned a great deal about refinery and chemical plant operations and policy, and the process of catalyst change-outs and turn-around projects. Management is generally friendly and accomodating. Amant, LA - June 17, I learned how to work in nitrogen under fresh breathing air. Hard work but pays well, People and Management is very laid back and cool.

Great job , good management , great safety practice. Its a type of job thats not so great for a family man , due to alot of traverling. My learning experience was using proper PPE. The sense of having good safety skills. Yes No There are 1 unhelpful reviews 1. Claim this company page. Want to know more about working here? Ask a question about working or interviewing at Catalyst Handling Resources.

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Discussion topics at Catalyst Handling Resources Professional development. This is achieved by using state-of-the art vacuum, dust collection and filtration technologies and dust elimination is part of our standard risk assessment and project planning process.

CHR specialized equipment is tailor made and modular for efficient transport, set up, catalyst removal and reinstallation and combined with our strategic locations, we can respond to any project, anywhere, fast. Home CHR T Catalyst Handling Solutions. Mechanical Solutions. Sulfuric Acid Plant Solutions. Tower Solutions. Catalyst Storage and Blending Solutions.

Confined Space Management and Rescue Solutions.


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