His drawings and paintings inspire his involvement with sculpture. His desire to manipulate his paintings, to cut them up and play with them, makes him a sculptor. His unique painting process has evolved over ten years. It is somewhat of a paradox, since his surfaces are essentially flat, no thicker than a few thousandths of an inch.
Yet they evoke an incredible illusion of depth and movement with up to forty underpaintings in different areas. Wooldridge likes to think of his paintings as places where the abstract becomes real not through texture or physical shaping, but rather through his style, which creates the illusion of sculpture.
View Artwork by Artist by Media by Type back to browse by artist printable version Charles Wooldridge Wooldridge is an innovative artist who works in many different mediums.
Texture Installation Milwaukee-Take a Friend back to top. The individual parts must be smooth and secure at the same time so that in sliding them out and back in, the action itself can be enjoyable and pleasant. With Wooldridge, everything is perfect. There is a certain amount of morality in it. The whole piece represents the coherence of the world, perhaps even the social coherence which quarantines protection provided by the mother port to the anarchic dissipation of the whole, the quarantee of the higher spiritual identity.
American sculpture has had a very good experience with decentralized or even anarchistic syntax. Perhaps that is one of the main contributions of American art — to explore the borders of freedom with acts of defiance and provocation, not as much as protest but more as positive acts as well as in decorative or expressive levels.
Woodridge can continue in this tradition. Reminders of abstract expressionism are mixing here with playful impertinence of Californian grotesque. But something new appears here — the desire to unite free imagination with solid organization and order.
Here, America is getting closer to a European way of thinking, to synthesis, but it is letting both principles act in parallel. The conjunction of base construction created from steel and inside parts from warm white painted maple wood is understood in this sense. In these sculptures, the world of nature is reflected, tectonics of both body and crystals. Ultimately, we discover that something from the metaphor of surrealism echoes here. The individual pieces have very strong impressions of combinations of dramatic expression and dreamy lyricism.